Do you need help preparing for the notary state exam?
We offer free notary public state exam preparation with our Blog of the most current notarial issues, At a Glance feature of essential notary knowledge, and State Exam Practice Tests.

Many Ways To Prepare
At a Glance
- The At a Glance feature is a quick point by point look at the knowledge and requirements a notary will need.
- This feature will help you to see very quickly what a notary needs for everyday service and is a valuable resource to prepare for the State Exam.
Free Practice Tests
- Taking our Free Practice Tests is a valuable way to learn the topic and gain confidence.
- Our free State Exam Practice Tests are a great tool for anyone preparing for the State Exam.
- Our students receive a Pass Code for the Advanced Tests, a $30 value.
- Each practice question comes with a reference page number from our Course Manual.
Caution: Be sure to study the Course Manual or the SOS Notary Handbook before beginning any Practice Tests.
- Check our Blog for valuable information that will keep you up-to-date as a Notary.
- It helps you prepare for the State Exam.
At the Academy of Notaries Public
- We believe in offering all who wish to be successful on the State Exam many ways to prepare for the important event.
- For anyone who wishes to study in advance.
- To this end we offer our Blog, At a Glance, and Free Practice Tests.
The Course Manual
- Our Course Manual is included with all Online Courses.
- The Course Manual in PDF format can be found in the handout section in the Begin Here Chapter of our Online Courses.
- Download and save/print to your devices for easy access.
- Every course chapter has a downloadable handout and quiz corresponding to that topic.
- All our enrolled Online students receive the Passcode for our Advanced Practice Tests for more thorough preparation.
- Each question in the Practice Tests has a page reference in the Manual for easy access and clarification.
- Non-students may also purchase the Passcode for the Practice Tests which includes the Course Manual for $30.
- The Course Manual in PDF format can be found in the handout section in the Begin Here Chapter of our Online Courses.
Register for any course and receive the Passcode for Advanced Study.
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